AML Screening Check

Screen clients against ComplyCube's Sanctions & Watchlists, PEP, and Adverse Media database.

About service

Powered by a proprietary Graph Engine and a network of partners, an AML Screening Check enables you to check an individual or business against over 2,500 global, regional, and local lists.

There are two types of AML Screening Checks - Standard and Extensive.

Both services offer real-time continuous monitoring and notification capabilities.

Standard & extensive AML screening differences

Standard AML ScreeningExtensive AML Screening

Watchlist Coverage

  • Sanctions lists

  • Other official lists

  • War crime

  • Terror

  • Sanctions control & ownership

  • Sanctions lists

  • Other official lists

  • War crime

  • Terror

  • Sanctions control & ownership

  • Other exclusion lists

PEP Coverage

Adverse Media Coverage


  • Environment & production

  • Social & labour

  • Competitive & financial

  • Regulatory

Other Lists Coverage


  • Organised crime

  • Financial crime

  • Tax crime corruption

  • Trafficking

  • Associated entity

PEP levels explained

ComplyCube's PEP levels are outlined below.

LevelPEP Coverage


  • Heads & Deputies State / National Government

  • National Government Ministers

  • Members of the National Legislature


  • Heads & Deputy Heads of Regional Government

  • Senior Civil Servants-National Government

  • Senior Civil Servants-Regional Government

  • Senior Members of the Armed Forces

  • Senior Members of the Police Services

  • Senior Members of the Secret Services

  • Senior Members of the Judiciary

  • Embassy & Consular Staff

  • Regional Government Ministers

  • Religious Leaders


  • State Corporation Executives

  • State Agency Officials

  • Political Party Officials


  • International Organisation Officials

  • City Mayors

  • Political Pressure and Labour Group Officials

  • Local Public Officials

  • International Sporting Organisation Officials

  • Other

Check duration

An AML Screening Check takes under 1 second to complete.

Last updated