Document Check

Check your clients' ID documents to extract details and confirm their authenticity.

About service

Utilizes ComplyCube's state-of-the-art AI and advanced analytics to perform 7 categories of analysis on ID documents, including detailed checks on visual security elements, potential tampering or manipulation, document liveness, and blacklist checks.

It will also extract all available data and images from the document's Visual Inspection Zone (VIZ), Machine Readable Zone (MRZ), RFID chip, and barcodes.

ComplyCube supports a myriad of country and ID combinations. These include passports, driving licenses, identity cards, residence permits, travel documents, and visa stamps.

Even though it is possible to run this check entirely through our API, we highly recommend that you run it through our Hosted Solution, Web SDK, or native Mobile SDKs. These SDKs guide your clients through the capture process, aiding them with completing the flow successfully with minimal friction and false-positive outcomes.

Data extraction and analysis related to the RFID chip are exclusively available via our Mobile SDKs.

This service automatically redacts sensitive fields from document images and checks results.

Analysis performed

Analysis Breakdown

AnalysisVerifications Performed

Forensic Analysis

  • Security Elements Check

  • Tamper or Manipulation Detection

  • Document Liveness Check

  • Photo Location Analysis

  • MRZ Classification Analysis

  • MRZ Visual Placement Check

Format Analysis

  • Country Model Validation

  • Document Model Validation

  • Photocopy Detection

Content Analysis

  • ID Expiry Check

  • ID Issuance Check

  • Data Integrity Check

  • Specimen Check

  • Blacklist Check

MRZ Analysis

  • MRZ Checksum Validation

  • MRZ Format Validation

RFID Analysis

  • Basic Access Control

  • Chip Authentication

  • Passive Authentication

  • Active Authentication

  • PACE (Password Authenticated Connection Establishment)

  • Chip and Visual Facial Similarity

Front and Back Analysis

  • Format Consistency Analysis

  • Data Consistency Check

Consistency Analysis

Compares all fields extracted from the visual zone, MRZ, and barcodes (where applicable)

Client Validation

  • Age Verification

  • Client Data Consistency

Check duration

A Document Check takes an average of 15 seconds to complete.

Last updated