Mobile SDK tracked events

The Mobile SDK tracks the following event types:


INTRO The client has reached the intro screen.

CONSENT_STAGE The client has reached the consent screen.

CONSENT_STAGE_WARNING The client has attempted to exit without giving consent.

CAMERA_ACCESS_PERMISSION The client has reached the camera permission request screen.

DOCUMENT_STAGE_CAPTURE_GUIDANCE The client has reached the document capture guidance screen.

DOCUMENT_STAGE_DOCUMENT_TYPE The client has reached the document type selection screen for a document capture.

DOCUMENT_STAGE_SELECT_COUNTRY The client has reached the country selection screen for a document capture.

DOCUMENT_STAGE_ONE_SIDE_CAMERA The client reached the capture camera stage for a one-sided ID document.

DOCUMENT_STAGE_ONE_SIDE_CAMERA_MANUAL_MODE The client has reached the manual camera capture screen of a one-sided ID document.

DOCUMENT_STAGE_ONE_SIDE_CHECK_QUALITY The client has reached the quality preview screen for a one-sided ID document.

DOCUMENT_STAGE_TWO_SIDE_CAMERA_FRONT The client has reached the camera capture screen for the front side of a two-sided ID document.

DOCUMENT_STAGE_TWO_SIDE_CAMERA_FRONT_MANUAL_MODE The client has reached the manual camera capture screen for the front side of a two-sided ID document.

DOCUMENT_STAGE_TWO_SIDE_CHECK_QUALITY_FRONT The client has reached the quality preview screen for the front side of a two-sided ID document.

DOCUMENT_STAGE_TWO_SIDE_CAMERA_BACK The client has reached the camera capture screen for the back side of a two-sided ID document.

DOCUMENT_STAGE_TWO_SIDE_CAMERA_BACK_MANUAL_MODE The client has reached the manual camera capture screen for the back side of a two-sided ID document.

DOCUMENT_STAGE_TWO_SIDE_CHECK_QUALITY_BACK The client has reached the quality preview screen for the back side of a two-sided ID document.

BIOMETRICS_STAGE_SELFIE_CAPTURE_GUIDANCE The client has reached the selfie capture guidance screen.

BIOMETRICS_STAGE_SELFIE_CAMERA The client has reached the selfie photo capture camera screen.

BIOMETRICS_STAGE_SELFIE_CAMERA_MANUAL_MODE The client has reached the manual selfie photo capture camera screen.

BIOMETRICS_STAGE_SELFIE_CHECK_QUALITY The client has reached the selfie capture photo review screen.

BIOMETRICS_STAGE_VIDEO_CAMERA The client has reached the selfie video capture camera screen.

BIOMETRICS_STAGE_VIDEO_CAMERA_MANUAL_MODE The client reached manual capture camera for a video selfie.

BIOMETRICS_STAGE_VIDEO_ACTION_ONE The client has reached the first action in a video selfie capture.

BIOMETRICS_STAGE_VIDEO_ACTION_TWO The client has reached the second action in a video selfie capture.

BIOMETRICS_STAGE_VIDEO_CHECK_QUALITY The client has reached the manual selfie video capture camera screen.

PROOF_OF_ADDRESS_STAGE_CAPTURE_GUIDANCE The client has reached the proof of address capture guidance screen.

PROOF_OF_ADDRESS_STAGE_DOCUMENT_TYPE The client has reached the document type selection screen for a proof of address capture.

PROOF_OF_ADDRESS_STAGE_SELECT_COUNTRY The client has reached the country selection screen for a proof of address capture.

PROOF_OF_ADDRESS_STAGE_ONE_SIDE_CAMERA The client reached the capture camera stage for a one-sided proof of address document.

PROOF_OF_ADDRESS_STAGE_ONE_SIDE_CAMERA_MANUAL_MODE The client reached the manual capture camera stage for a one-sided proof of address document.

PROOF_OF_ADDRESS_STAGE_ONE_SIDE_CHECK_QUALITY The client has reached the quality preview screen for a one-sided proof of address document.

PROOF_OF_ADDRESS_STAGE_TWO_SIDE_CAMERA_FRONT The client reached the capture camera stage for the front side of a two-sided proof of address document.

PROOF_OF_ADDRESS_STAGE_TWO_SIDE_CAMERA_FRONT_MANUAL_MODE The client reached the manual capture camera stage for the front side of a two-sided proof of address document.

PROOF_OF_ADDRESS_STAGE_TWO_SIDE_CHECK_QUALITY_FRONT The client has reached the quality preview screen for the front side of a two-sided proof of address document.

PROOF_OF_ADDRESS_STAGE_TWO_SIDE_CAMERA_BACK The client reached the capture camera stage for the back side of a two-sided proof of address document.

PROOF_OF_ADDRESS_STAGE_TWO_SIDE_CAMERA_BACK_MANUAL_MODE The client reached the manual capture camera stage for the back side of a two-sided proof of address document.

PROOF_OF_ADDRESS_STAGE_TWO_SIDE_CHECK_QUALITY_BACK The client has reached the quality preview screen for the back side of a two-sided proof of address document.

COMPLETION_STAGE The client has reached the completion screen.

Last updated

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