This is the first screen and will always default to show as the first screen. It displays a welcome message and a summary of the stages you have configured for the client.
The welcome screen allows you to set a custom title.
const settings = {
// ... other settings
stages: [
name: "faceCapture",
mode: "video",
// Enable ML assistance during capture
useMLAssistance: false,
// ... other stages
final settings = {
// ... other settings
"stages": [
"name": "faceCapture",
"mode": "video",
// Enable ML assistance during capture
"useMLAssistance": false,
// ... other stages
const settings = {
// ... other settings
stages: [
name: "faceCapture",
mode: "video",
// Enable ML assistance during capture
useMLAssistance: false,
// ... other stages
If you attempt to add both types of stages, the SDK will throw a ComplyCubeErrorCode.BiometricStageCount error stating multiple conflicting stages.
This stage allows clients to select the type of identity document they would like to submit. You can customize these screens to:
Limit the scope of document types the client can select, e.g., Passport only.
Set the document issuing countries they are allowed for each document type.
Add or remove automated capture using smart assistance.
Show or hide the instruction screens before capture.
Set a retry limit to allow clients to progress the journey regardless of capture quality.
If you provide only one document type, the document type selection screen will be skipped. The country selection screen will be skipped if you provide only a single country for a given document type.
You can remove the information screens shown before camera captures by enabling or disabling guidance. You should only consider omitting this if you have clearly informed your client of the capture steps required.
let docStage = DocumentStageBuilder()
// Set document types and limit the enabled countries
.setAllowedDocumentTypes(types: [
.drivingLicence(["GB", "US"]),
// Set a maximum for quality check attempts before uploading
.setRetryLimit(count: 3)
// Enable or disable additional guidance for the user
.setShowGuidance(enable: true)
// Enable ML assistance during capture
.setEnableMLAssistant(enable: true)
// Kotlin
var documentStage = Document(
// Set document types and limit the enabled countries
Passport(), DrivingLicence((Country.GB, Country.US)),
// Enable or disable additional guidance for the user
isGuidanceEnabled = true,
// Enable or disable the ability to upload an image from file
useLiveCaptureOnly = true,
// Enable ML assistance during capture
isMLAssistantEnabled = true,
// Set a maximum for quality check attempts before uploadingoft checks
retryLimit = 3
const settings = {
// ... other settings
stages: [
name: "documentCapture",
// Enable or disable additional guidance for the user
showGuidance: false,
// Enable ML assistance during capture
useMLAssistance: true,
// Set a maximum for quality check attempts before uploading
retryLimit: 1,
// Enable or disable the ability to upload an image from file
liveCapture: false,
// Set document types and limit the enabled countries
documentTypes: {
passport: true,
driving_license: ["GB", "US"],
// ... other stages
final settings = {
// ... other settings
"stages": [
"name": "documentCapture",
// Enable or disable additional guidance for the user
"showGuidance": false,
// Enable ML assistance during capture
"useMLAssistance": true,
// Set a maximum for quality check attempts before uploading
"retryLimit": 1,
// Enable or disable the ability to upload an image from file
"liveCapture": false,
// Set document types and limit the enabled countries
"documentTypes": {
"passport": true,
"driving_license": ['GB', 'US'],
// ... other stages
const settings = {
// ... other settings
stages: [
name: "documentCapture",
// Enable or disable additional guidance for the user
showGuidance: false,
// Enable ML assistance during capture
useMLAssistance: true,
// Set a maximum for quality check attempts before uploading
retryLimit: 1,
// Enable or disable the ability to upload an image from file
liveCapture: false,
// Set document types and limit the enabled countries
documentTypes: {
passport: true,
driving_license: ["GB", "US"],
// ... other stages
Please note the retryLimit you set here will take precedence over the retry limit that has been set globally in your automation settings.
NFC capture
Please get in touch with your Account Manager or support to get access to our NFC-enabled Mobile SDK.
ComplyCube's Mobile SDK enables NFC-based RFID chip reading in identity documents for accurate authentication and data extraction.
To use this feature, your app must have the Near Field Communication Tag Reading capability enabled. To add this capability to your app, refer to Apple's guide here.
Install the CocoaPods Artifactory plugin by running the following command in your terminal:
gem install cocoapods-art
To add the library, copy your repository credentials into a .netrc file to your home directory and setup the repository:
pod repo-art add cc-cocoapods-release-local ""
Remember to fetch your credentials from Jfrog using the Set Me Up button here.
Add plugin repos and install the pod using your Podfile:
plugin 'cocoapods-art', :sources => [
platform :ios, '13.0' # Or above
target 'YourApp' do
pod 'ComplyCubeMobileSDK'
You must add the following keys to your application Info.plist file:
<string>Required to read from NFC enabled documents</string>
To read NFC tags correctly, you need to add the following entries to your app target's Info.plist file:
const settings = {
// ... other settings
stages : [
name: 'documentCapture',
// Add this property to enable NFC
nfcCapture: true
// ... other stages
final settings = {
// ... other settings
"stages" : [
"name": "documentCapture",
// Add this property to enable NFC
"nfcCapture": true
// ... other stages
const settings = {
// ... other settings
stages : [
name: 'documentCapture',
// Add this property to enable NFC
nfcCapture: true
// ... other stages
Address capture
This stage allows clients to input their address. You can set the permitted countries and whether to enable our address autocomplete screen.
let addressCaptureStage = AddressCaptureStageBuilder()
// This enables our address autocomplete feature
.useAutoComplete(enable: false)
// A list of acceptable countries for address capture feature
.setAllowedCountries(["GB", "US"])
var addressCaptureStage = AddressCapture(
// This enables our address autocomplete
useAutoComplete = true,
// A list of acceptable countries for address capture feature
allowedCountries = setOf(Country.GB,Country.US)
// Java
Set<Country> countries = new HashSet<> ();
AddressCapture addressCapture = new AddressCapture(
// useAutoComplete
// allowedCountries
const settings = {
// ... other settings
stages: [
name: "addressCapture",
// This enables our address autocomplete feature
useAutoComplete: false,
// A list of acceptable countries for address capture
allowedCountries: ['GB','US']
// ... other stages
final settings = {
// ... other settings
stages: [
"name": "addressCapture",
// This enables our address autocomplete feature
"useAutoComplete": false,
// A list of acceptable countries for address capture
"allowedCountries": ['GB','US']
// ... other stages
const settings = {
// ... other settings
stages: [
name: "addressCapture",
// This enables our address autocomplete feature
useAutoComplete: false,
// A list of acceptable countries for address capture
allowedCountries: ["GB","US"]
// ... other stages
Proof of address
When requesting a proof of address document, you can set the allowed document types and whether the client can upload the document.
By default, this automatically incorporates the Address capture stage with autocomplete enabled. This option can be turned off.
let poaStage = AddressStageBuilder()
.setAllowedDocumentTypes(types: [
// When disabled, the client will be forced to perform a live capture
.useLiveCaptureOnly(enable: false)
// This enables address capture during the proof of address flow
var poaStage = ProofOfAddress(
// A list of supported document types that can be submitted
UtilityBill(), BankStatement(),
// When disabled, the client will be forced to perform a live capture
useLiveCaptureOnly = false,
// This enables address capture during the proof of address flow
isAddressCaptureEnabled = false
const settings = {
// ... other settings
stages: [
name: "poaCapture",
// When disabled, the client will be forced to perform a live capture
liveCapture: false,
// ... other stages
final settings = {
// ... other settings
stages: [
"name": "poaCapture",
// When disabled, the client will be forced to perform a live capture
"liveCapture": false,
// ... other stages
const settings = {
// ... other settings
stages: [
name: "poaCapture",
// When disabled, the client will be forced to perform a live capture
liveCapture: false,
// ... other stages
You can add an optional completion stage at the end of the process and let the client know the process has been completed.
var completionStage = Complete(
title: "Thank you!",
message: "Your KYC submission has been completed"
// Kotlin
val completionStage = Complete(
title = "Thank you!",
message = "Your KYC submission has been completed"