Live Photos

A necessity for a smooth Identity Check user experience.

Live Photos are images (i.e. selfies) of the client's face. Typically, along with an ID document, they are used to perform Identity Checks.

Upon creating a Live Photo, the following inspections are conducted:

  • Faces Analysis: checks if a face is detected and that the number of faces does not exceed 1.

  • Facial Obstructions: checks if facial features are covered or not visible.

  • Facial Orientation: checks if a face is at an optimal position.

  • Liveness Check: checks if a photo is genuine and is not a spoofed photo of an image or photo-of-a-photo.

The live photos API allows you to upload, retrieve, download, and delete live photos. You can retrieve a specific live photo as well as a list of all your client's live photos.

The Live Photo object

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