Get a risk profile
Get a risk profile
Retrieves the risk profile for the specified client.
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
id | string | The ID of the client. |
Name | Type | Description |
Authorization | string | The live or sandbox API key. |
"overall": "low",
"countryRisk": {
"risk": "low",
"country": "GB",
"breakdown": [
"source": "Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)",
"normalisedRiskScore": "low"
"source": "FinCEN",
"normalisedRiskScore": "medium"
"source": "Financial Action Task Force (FATF)",
"normalisedRiskScore": "medium"
"source": "Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)",
"normalisedRiskScore": "medium"
"source": "HM Treasury (HMT)",
"normalisedRiskScore": "low"
"source": "Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)",
"normalisedRiskScore": "low"
"source": "US Department of State (US DOS)",
"normalisedRiskScore": "low"
"source": "Transparency International",
"normalisedRiskScore": "low"
"source": "World Bank Group",
"normalisedRiskScore": "low"
"source": "United Nations (UN)",
"normalisedRiskScore": "low"
"source": "Heritage Foundation - Index of Economic Freedom (IEF)",
"normalisedRiskScore": "low"
"source": "Basel AML Index (BAI)",
"normalisedRiskScore": "low"
"politicalExposureRisk": {
"risk": "not_set"
"occupationRisk": {
"risk": "not_set"
"watchlistRisk": {
"risk": "not_set"
"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T14:06:91.913Z"
"type": "resource_not_found",
"message": "Invalid client id '5eb04fcd0f3e360008035eb2'"
Example request
curl -X GET{:clientId}/riskProfile \
-H 'Authorization: <YOUR_API_KEY>'
const { ComplyCube } = require("@complycube/api");
const complycube = new ComplyCube({ apiKey: "<YOUR_API_KEY>" });
const riskProfile = await complycube.riskProfile.get("CLIENT_ID");
from complycube import ComplyCubeClient
cc_api = ComplyCubeClient(api_key='<YOUR API KEY>')
use ComplyCube\ComplyCubeClient;
$ccapi = new ComplyCubeClient('<YOUR API KEY>');
$profiles = $ccapi->riskProfiles()->get($id);
Last updated